A Window in a Wall

In Collaboration with: Yash Raj Mehta, Murk Zhu


About the Window…

The architectural reading of a window and its function are hidden within the motifs. Based on Edward R. Fords’ Book “the architectural detail”, this detail as motif reads the design in the stylized fashion and hides its function within.

Although operating on simple mechanisms, the window itself presents a complex relationship of part to whole. The window as a singular piece is simply a mechanism operating on concealed hinges, however the concept of the window in a wall presents a harmonious relationship that embraces multiplicity in existence and demands a bigger dialogue between what could have been a mundane wall and a window.

The aesthetic continuity can be seen in “the window on a wall” where the milled motifs meet the handle continuing onto the other side of the wall, turning into a slide that locks the mechanism. Altogether, our window sits at the subtle conjecture of an autonomous element and as a motif, one harmoniously responding to the other.

Opening process of opening the Window

Opening process of opening the Window

Opening process of opening the Window

Opening process of opening the Window


Victorian Playroom


Monumental Ephemera