Obsessive Compulsive

In Collaboration with: Lourenco Vaz Pinto

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Every human has an obsession or fetish towards something. While most people obsess over anything ranging between entertainment to menial things, architects focus their obsession towards minute details that shape the architectural world.

Considering the door knob as an element of obsession in architecture, we envisioned a narrative where the simple architect is maniacally obsessed with such a utilitarian object. He imagines every aspect of his room to be composed of door knobs. The windows, wall niches, elevated floors all have door knobs displayed on them. The center of the room portrays the room as a heavenly object that is praised by the objects in its vicinity.

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As the scene shifts, we see the architect captivated in a psychotic room. His mind’s eye does not see the room in plain white, it sees the room with the door knobs.


The Kolon Tower


Punk Abbey