Punk Abbey

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A place of contemplation, a place of serenity and enlightenment are all ubiquitous characteristics of monasteries. However, in the modern day and world, how do we define what contemplation really is? Is it the materiality of the space, or the way in which it is situated with respect to its surroundings, or is it simply an emotion that can be evoked anytime, anywhere. Although the question is purely subjective, speculation might list a few thresholds that encourage contemplation and peaceful existence amongst monks.

My proposal for the Sao Domingos da Baralha fortress ruins, positions the new monastery above the ruin, and incorporates the upper existing entryway into a series of playful elements that encompasses occupiable spaces. Quite like gifts placed in a box gracefully wrapped with decorative paper, the extension takes on a similar philosophy. The old and new are contained in a new “container” followed by “playful” follies situated behind them. Each folly serves a specific purpose, and reflects on the life of an old monk.

Every space inside the follies are either reflective of a monks paleo diet, or their modest clothing fabric, and/or their modest livelihood. For example, the contemplative units take on the fluffy texture of berries, highlighting their modest diet as an element catering towards contemplation. Similarly, the dining room is comprised of a combination of coarse fur and nuts, reflecting on their livelihood and eating habits. In addition to this, the areas of respite, or dormitories are situated in the back end of the extension to provide solace and peace at the end of the day. Nevertheless, the “container” with its randomized “follies” incorporate themselves in a playful act of unwrapping as one gets closer to the ruins and the perforated skin (reminiscent of gift wrapping paper) allows for more visibility of the “objects” behind them.

Interior Follies

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Kitchen Unit

Kitchen Area- Apricot and Almond fur on the interior walls are reflective of the monks simplistic paleo diet.

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Contemplative Unit

Contemplative Unit- A singular space solely dedicated to one individual at a time. The raspberry fluff and coarse greenery is symbolic of “The secret garden”, known to be one of the most quintessential contemplative areas of a monk.

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Dining Area

Dining Area- Modest double floored space accessible from the inside. Green grass and raspberry fluff are symbolic of their modest ways of living. The raspberry fluff and coarse greenery is symbolic of “The secret garden”, known to be one of the most quintessential contemplative areas of a monk.

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Floor Plan showing arrangement of spaces within the “container” : First Floor

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Floor Plans showing arrangement of spaces within the “container” : Second Floor

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Axonometric diagram showing the containers relation to the ruins.

The container like mass sits like a cap on top of the ruins.

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Obsessive Compulsive


Victorian Playroom