Vino Playroom


Interior View from one of the many Sunken Lounge Areas towards the Vineyards.

As we enter, the floor transforms into a series of sunken lounge spaces that act both as platforms for walking and as surfaces for placing your glass of wine once you grab a seat. These sunken living spaces are all interconnected, forming a series of low-height labyrinthine units.


Interior View from one of the many Sunken Lounge Areas towards the Vineyards.

The wine tasting areas are divided in two levels. The bottom level is secluded and can be used as intimate wine tasting pods for special occasions, whereas the top level is open to any wine tasting events taking place in the winery.


Exploded Axon showing the arrangement of the Sunken Lounge Spaces.

Located amidst the idyllic landscape of countryside Portugal, this wine tasting room presents itself as an adults playground. Acting as a portal to the vineyard and as an elevated lookout point, the Vinho Playroom stands out as an odd monolithic mass sitting gently on the edge of the Monte D’Oiro Vineyards. The formal language of the project is quite distinct on the outside and inside. While the outdoor stepped surface represents an informal open-air theater space for casual hangouts, the inside is a playful retreat into the world of wine tasting.

The stepped roof presents the spectator with a spectacular view of the vineyard. Quite like a theatrical setup is meant to “stage a show”, wine tasting is a theatrical event in and of itself. The dialogue between a theatrical stage and its spectator becomes intermingled as the steps act as both the stage showcasing an event, and a viewpoint to observe the informal theatricality of wine tasting.

This project aims to celebrate wine tasting as a playful ritual for adults through the manipulation of space. When walkable surfaces transcend into occupiable volumes, there is a sense of playfulness introduced to the design. The spaces thus created resonate a domestic appeal that makes the ritual of wine tasting all the more fulfilling.


The Art Closet


The Hovering Outlook